Speaking of prayer, the author writes, "Although I fall down undone at times, I always get up renewed, transformed, victorious . . . and most of all renewed . . . It's on our knees before Him where we find balance."
This has been my experience of prayer as well. Sometimes, I come entirely broken, disheartened, and confused. But the Lord meets me there and revives my spirit. How about you?
Then he says, "I kept on cooking for God, but I had kicked God out of the kitchen." I've done that, too; I've gotten so busy working in ministry that I forgot God. Suddenly, I would notice I was doing things in my own strength. I'd kicked God out. How about you?
Consider this one. "When the axe gets dull, we will have to spend double the energy to obtain half the results." Oh, my! I've been a dull axe. I've found myself expending double the energy and seeing less happen. Have you? It forces me to stop my whirling and return to my spiritual center. No amount of my effort accomplishes more than my faith in God's ability.
Let me quickly list a few more short quotes.
"Serve as you pray and pray as you serve."
"God loves fellowship more than work."
"Don't work for God; work with God."
"Do not make changes in times of storm."
And I could continue on with the wealth of wisdom held in just this one book. If you are in ministry and struggling, get yourself a copy and enjoy the beauty of the story. If you are looking to grow in your spiritual life, glean from the experience speaking and see if God doesn't use this book to encourage your heart.
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