Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Week Twenty-Seven - Hard-hearted

For my Bible reading this year, I am taking a chapter at a time and asking the Lord to reveal a little truth or fresh insight. I wanted to share a sample with you that significantly spoke to my heart.

In Exodus 8, Moses stands before Pharoah as the plagues of frogs, lice, and flies occur. Verse 15 reads, "But when Pharaoh saw that there was respite, he hardened his heart, and hearkened not unto them; as the Lord had said."

The only thing Moses knew as he obeyed God was what God had said - Pharoah would be stubborn, yet God would bring Israel out with a strong hand. "Then the Lord said unto Moses, Now shalt thou see what I will do to Pharoah: for with a strong hand shall he let them (the Children of Israel) go, and with a strong hand shall he drive them out of his land" (Exodus 6:1). Moses didn't know how long this would take.

As God increases the severity of the plagues, he must have wondered what it would take to break Pharoah's stubborn resolve. He didn't know all God had planned; he simply did his part by obeying God's direction as he brought God's word to Pharoah.

As I read, I began to think of the hard-hearted around us. Maybe they are our shopkeepers, co-workers, or even members of our family. They staunchly reject the gospel and resist all our pleas. I've even known God to shake the hard-hearted through tragedy, but like Pharoah, they refuse to yield. We, like Moses, may feel we can only watch as they move further and further away from God.

Do you have a stubborn loved one resisting the gospel? Have you witnessed repeatedly but to no reception? Don't give up! You can rest knowing you have done your part by sharing the light and will continue sharing. You have obeyed, as Moses did, by doing what the Lord has directed. If they refuse, that is their decision  - a sad decision but one you cannot make for them. 

He is not willing that any perish. Do you doubt that? Look at all the opportunities God gave Pharoah to repent and yield. And yet, he wasted God's grace. God is not willing for your loved one to perish either, so keep shining your light. Keep offering God's grace and mercy, and at the same time, rest yourself in the sovereign knowledge of God. You don't know what God has planned, but you can remain faithful and obedient in giving them the gospel.

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