Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Week Twenty-Nine - Finding Your Feet!

This past year, we enjoyed spending time with our grandkids. Several of them are at the point where they are ready to leave home. They are testing out their wings, learning to drive, finding jobs, heading to college, and looking to see where life will take them as they try to find their feet. We've had some long conversations and shared stories about ourselves and their parents launching into life.

Finding their feet can take some time. Unless they know their goal, they may wander around for a while, making parents and grandparents nervous. However, finding our feet is not a challenge reserved for teenagers. Even adults can find it difficult. Why? 

Maybe you are standing on slippery rocks. Like those moss-covered ones by the riverbank, you slip before noticing the danger. Slippery rocks are those where we are taking risks. Risks that involve lies or cheating. Risks of being found out or getting caught. Slippery rocks will trip us up every time. 

Or maybe you are afraid to put your feet in the water. You've been hurt, failed before, or don't know if you have what it takes. You'll never know what God has for you until you wade out into the deep.  Faith calls for us to get our feet wet; to walk on water, you must get out of the boat!

If you are standing on the shore with only your toes in the stream, you'll never know the thrill of the ride. You might enjoy a measure of refreshing, but you'll never reach your full potential. 

Are you afraid you can't stand against the current? That might be a concern, especially if your faith is only in yourself. Getting into the river of life with God will hurl you down fantastic plunges, but you'll never regret taking the opportunity to know His power. 

Finding your feet in a stream requires getting onto solid rock, anchoring deep, and adjusting to the current. It is similar in life. You need to be on that solid rock. 1 Samuel 2:2 reads, "There is none holy as the Lord; for there is none beside thee; neither is there any rock like our God." He is solid. When we place our faith in God, He gives us footing.

1 Corinthians 10:4 gives us a couple more assurances about the Rock. It speaks of the children of Israel and the great exodus: "And did all drink the same spiritual drink; for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them; and that Rock was Christ."

Let's focus on two words. The first one is drank. When we drink the water of life, we never thirst again. He becomes our source; that spiritual water gives us the power to stand and adjust to the current of life. And the second word is followed. The spiritual Rock followed them in a pillar of cloud by day and fire by night. They were never outside His view or out of reach. You, too, are never out of His view or reach. You can launch yourself into life because you are covered! You will find your feet because He is leading, He is following your every step, and He is in control.

As I pray for my grandchildren to find their feet in life, I'm excited to see where God will take them. They may hit some slippery spots and face fears and disappointments, but I know they are cared for by the Rock because they are His.

The same is true for you if you are in Christ. So, get out there and find your feet!

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