Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Week Twenty-Eight - When I Remember

Praying always. That's what the Bible says. "Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints" (Eph 6:18). 

Does that mean we walk around with our eyes closed and hands folded? Are we to be like the Pharisees, lifting our hands and praying aloud in public? Are we to always be in our prayer closet? Hardly. The instruction is about an inner sanctum, an attitude, and readiness for prayer.

So, the question today is, "Are you praying always?" 

I drew this little poem from Spurgeon's devotion, Restraining Prayer.

When I remember God is omnipotent,
I pray for larger things.

When I remember God is tender and full of compassion,
I pray for the little things.

When I remember God is great,
I pray boldly.

When I remember God is faithful,
I pray confidently.

When I remember God is full of majesty,
I pray with awe and delight.

When I remember God is forgiving,
I pray in humble confession.

When I remember God is my Father,
I pray with love.

When I remember God is my Provider,
I pray with earnestness.

When I remember God is my Protector,
I pray with expectation.

When I pray,
Let me always remember.

And how important it is to remember to Whom we are praying. No gimmicks, luck charms, or magic words are necessary, just a humble recognition of who He is. He remains faithful, loves to bless, knows and cares, never leaves nor forsakes. We pray to Him, and He answers our prayers based on His attributes.

Friend, we can pray always because He is always there! Not one moment of your life goes unrecognized or undesigned by Him. Surely, when you remember His greatness, constant prayer and praise will be your response.

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