Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Week Six - Disgruntled

Do you ever get fed up with the routine of life? The constant dishes, laundry, housework, and meal prep? I do. It all seems so pointless and feels like obstacles to my path. I catch myself grumbling and resentful as I slap another meal on the table. But then, I remember what the Lord has often taught me about serving as unto Him and giving with cheerfulness of heart. 

I even recall my blog from months ago about Angels in the Kitchen. I went back and reread it. Here's a link for you - https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/preview/7763906062119542948/8823386911993999160 

And, though I know these things, God must constantly remind me because I still get disgruntled.

When I compare these routine jobs to the purpose of my life, they seem too trivial. Well, of course, the Lord was not going to let me pout and stomp my foot without speaking directly to my heart. "Gail," He said, "This is a part of your purpose. A part of the plan I have for your life. This is where you are, and you will be happier to serve on purpose with a willing heart."

"I hear you, Lord, but..."

I then turned to read Loving God with All Your Heart by Elizabeth George. I have been reading a chapter each day, but I hadn't picked it up since I have been poorly for the past week or so. As I began reading, I remembered she was writing about Romans 8:28 - "all things work together for good." But I wasn't prepared for the Lord to speak directly to my disgruntled state. 

She writes, "I exist to serve Him and His people according to the gifts He has given me and in the situations where He places me. The constant awareness that God has a purpose for us gives us great hope when the day-to-day practicalities and challenges discourage and bewilder us."

Okay, Lord...

Who am I to complain? Eating, laundry, and dishes are a part of the practicalities of life. No one can escape them. How silly and wasteful for me to get so annoyed. A portion of my purpose is to survive and help those in my household do the same. I am not a gifted cook, but I can serve you and my family by faithfully putting food on the table. I can keep the kitchen clean for health and safety. And the laundry does smell good once it is all said and done. These jobs bring joy when performed with a less disgruntled spirit. This is the situation where I am placed. I am better to be thankful and serve with gladness in this portion of my purpose.

Dear friend, it is easy for any of us to get disgruntled with the routine of life or find ourselves in a rut. But that does not deter or cancel the plan of God. Whatever we do, whatever our job, whatever responsibility, we can do it graciously as unto the Lord. As we serve others, we are fulfilling His purpose for our lives. So, join me in laying aside a disgruntled spirit and look to the blessing of health to do the trivial. Let's choose to be thankful for food on the table and clothes for our backs and that we have loved ones who need  our service.

Disgruntled or gracious - which do you want to be?

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