Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Week Seven - The Hearing Heart

Today I'm reflecting on a couple of quotes I copied out of an old book by Hannah Hurnard entitled The Heart Heart. I thought you might enjoy them, too. So let's look at one today and another one next week.

Hannah Hurnard is best known for her book, Hinds Feet in High Places, but she also wrote many other books. I really enjoyed reading The Hearing Heart as she reminds her readers of the importance of taking time with God. You know, and so do I, that praying and listening are vital parts of a healthy, growing relationship not only with the Lord but also with those around us. That's why it is so important to have a praying heart that is ready to listen to the Lord.

In her discussion on prayer, she writes, "It is not, of course, that prayer changes God, or awakens in Him purposes of love and compassion which He has not already felt. No, it changes us, and therein lies its glory and purpose. It helps us to outer dependence upon God and gives Him the opportunity to confirm our trust in Him and experience His grace in a way which would be absolutely impossible otherwise."

Have you ever been in the place of prayer when God moves uniquely to change your mind? I have. I've known times when a simple whisper of His word to my listening heart brought resolution and comfort. Prayer can do that! And with every close encounter, God does more work on my heart. With my mind, heart, and ears focused on hearing from Him, prayer becomes more than a token; it becomes a source.

She continues, "God has got everything ready and planned in order to meet our needs before we ever realize what they are. But in order to teach us this joy of utter dependence and trust, He waits for us to ask. Prayer doesn't change God, but not to make our requests known in joyful trust does deprive Him of the joy of granting our requests, and it does deprive us of the joy of experiencing His loving, intimate interest in every detail of our lives. It was the Lord Jesus Himself who said, "Ye have not because ye ask not. Ask and ye shall receive."

Just today, I have been faced with three urgent prayer requests that brought me to remember God has everything planned and will meet the need. But, as Hannah says, for me to fail to ask would "deprive Him of the joy of granting the request," and it would deprive me of the "joy of experiencing His loving, intimate interest in every detail."

What about you? Is your prayer life a close encounter or a passing comment? Does your relationship with God through prayer change you, or are you not listening?

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