Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Week Forty-Eight - Getting Ready to Go!

In November, Tom and I traveled home for a reunion with the Gritts family that lasted four full days. Now, that's a lot of reunion, food, and fun! The following week we visited with old friends, more grandkids, and my side of the family. Those two weeks were packed full of sweet memories.

I got to thinking about the anticipation leading up to our journey. Back in January, when we traveled, things were very different. Then, we were traveling due to a bereavement, and the hurdles of traveling during Covid made everything difficult and expensive. But this time, things were much easier, and the expectation of a joyful reunion carried us through every flight.

You know, all of us who know the Lord will soon take a trip of joy with every expectation of a safe arrival and a great reunion. That trumpet will blow, and we will be ushered into the presence of our loving Lord. But what are we doing in preparation?

We ought to be getting ready to go! That would mean laying aside things that spoil the trip, like fear, unforgiveness, or a sour attitude. Sorting your baggage is another good idea. You won't be taking anything with you, so why let stuff bog you down now? Listening to the news and being duped into thinking this old world has the final say is to be listening to the wrong announcements. But oh, the joy when we lift our eyes and look to the future with anticipation and readiness.

The Bible talks about trimming our lamps - getting that Holy Spirit oil stored up and letting our lights shine brightly. It speaks of preparing our house - of putting things in order and knowing we are right with God, ready to stand before Him unashamed. It also calls us to be watching - looking for His appearing. And it talks about lifting Him up so others can also find the way.

Maybe you haven't even made your booking? If you don't know the Lord, now is the time to get that done, too. Today is the day of salvation. There is no need to wait for a better time. Eventually, we will all stand before the Lord. Better to have prepared now because there is no opportunity later.

So, what are you doing in preparation? Have you accepted Christ? Are you getting ready and bringing others with you or plodding along with your knees dragging in the mire of this world?  The future is bright, my friend, when you know the Lord. So, let's get ready to go!

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