Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Week Twenty-Two - Together

Over this year, Tom has preached on two verses that contain the word together. Philippians 1:27 speaks of striving together, and John 4:36 talks about rejoicing together. Every time he preaches these verses, my heart rejoices, and my imagination takes off. Let me tell you why.

The verse in Philippians paints a picture of what is happening to us now. We aim to live a Christian life, stand alongside each other, and "strive together for the faith of the gospel." 

Oh, how we need to continue in this manner. The days are evil, and the time is growing short. We want to be found faithful and prepared for our Lord's return, so we encourage each other and set a loving example for those around us—striving together.

The idea is to strive simultaneously with one another or seek something jointly. It even means wrestling in company with others. You can't miss the instruction. As the children of God and Christ's body, our mandate on earth is to spread the Word, be light and salt, and stand for the Gospel. That takes actual labor and a joint effort to do it properly.

As missionaries, we see this striving together through churches supporting us financially and prayerfully as we aid in the church's fulfillment of the Great Commission. But even in every individual church, the members must strive together to keep the church alive and growing. We are all striving together to fulfill the Lord's commands.

With this picture of striving together toward a goal or a joint outcome, we see the future rejoicing together, as mentioned in John. The verse describes those who sow and those who reap jointly rejoicing when the harvest is complete.

For example, when a soul is saved, those who witnessed, those who watered, and those who joined in prayer all rejoice at the new birth. They labored together and rejoiced together.

When a church pays off its mortgage, those who gave, those who prayed, and those who directed the finances rejoice. They labored together, and now they rejoice together.

When we all get to heaven, those who served, those who prayed, and those who gave will rejoice. They strived together for the sake of the Gospel, and now they will rejoice together.

I find these two verses so encouraging and motivating. As we serve, pray, and give to further the Gospel, we know we are striving together. And when we once stand before our King, there will be no regret. We will rejoice that our laboring together has brought us great reward.

So, dear Christian friend, keep up the work. Stay faithful. Stay true. 1 Corinthians 2:19 reads, "But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love him."  Or, indeed, them that labor together!

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