Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Week One - Gifts

Each day of 2024 and of 2025 ahead is a gift, watered by God's hand and designed for His glory. For us, the days look endless and maybe even ominous because we don't know what they hold. We see through the glass dimly and tremble at the future, but our Lord doesn't tremble. He doesn't see dimly; He sees with perfect clarity. How beautiful can our rest be when we entrust the days ahead to Him! We can rejoice and delight in the Lord. Instead of opening the year with dread, we open it with the sweet strains of joy and the brightness of a cymbal. We have arrived at 2025!

Spurgeon says, "We, the called, faithful, and chosen, will drive away our griefs and set up our banners of confidence in the name of God. Let others lament over their troubles; we who have the sweetening tree to cast into Marah's bitter pool will joyfully magnify the Lord. We will rejoice and delight: two words: with one sense, double bliss, blessedness upon blessedness."  

What will your year look like? No one can tell you, but I can assure you that your mindset holds great sway over how your days progress. You can choose to be blessed, grateful, excited, thankful, and happy.  You can create rest and peace. Or you can create drama. 

You have 365 days to make a difference in your life and the lives of those under your influence. What will you do? How will you use your time? The gift of this year is yours. Should God allow you to have the full days, measure them out with joy. Move through them in faith and set your heart to thankfulness. Rejoice and delight! Then, meet me here next year, and we'll share all God has done!

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Week Fifty Two - The Big Day

It's Christmas morning, a time filled with the delightful anticipation of a joyous day. For some, the day begins with the rise of mom and dad and the delightful squeals of wide-eyed children rushing down the stairs. Amidst the flood of wrapping paper and thrills of joy, the cherished Christmas traditions come to life. 

But let's pause a moment and remember that Big Day in Bethlehem. Out on the hillside, the shepherds are quietly tending their sheep.

"And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not; for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy; which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace good will toward men. And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us. And they came with haste and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger. (Luke 2:8-16).

What a Big Day that was! We can sing with the shepherds and the angelic chorus, "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given! (Isaiah 9:6) His was a miraculous conception, the fulfillment of God's promise, and the hope of all mankind. God with us. 

As Spurgeon says, "God with us in our nature, in our sorrow, in our life work, in our punishment, in our grave, and now with us, or rather we with Him, in resurrection, ascension triumph, and coming splendor." 

Jesus's birth was a big, momentous day. Let's not let the splendor of His birth be overshadowed by Christmas traditions. Before you partake in your festive meal, take a moment to offer a prayer of thanks. Discuss the true significance of the season with your loved ones, and as you rest your head at the end of this joyous day, let it be filled with gratitude and praise for God's unspeakable gift.

Monday, December 16, 2024

Week Fifty One - Stranger Danger

In Deuteronomy 10, Moses reminds Israel of their history and challenges them to remain faithful to God, fear Him, walk in His ways, love and serve Him, and obey the commandments. This is something oft-repeated! And it makes for good advice for us as well, but in verse 19, Moses adds a little reminder for Israel—one that we might benefit from today.

"Love ye therefore the stranger" (Deuteronomy 10:19).

When we follow the history of Israel, we see they did not love the stranger. They grew so insular that they would not touch the unclean; any non-Jew was considered unclean. They would not enter their houses, eat their food, or even rub shoulders with them. They took stranger danger to the extreme and became a stumbling block to spreading faith in God.

Now, lest we condemn them too quickly, we would be wise to examine our own Christianity. How often do we allow pride to slip in? We love, obey, and worship God, but push away strangers. We fear things outside our control, things we don't understand. We grow so separated that we exist only in our Christian bubble and have no room for any strangers.

As Bethlehem bustled with excitement, Mary and Joseph faced rejection. There was no room for the strangers arriving in town. We think the innkeeper is heartless, but he doesn't know who is at his doorstep.
How could he? And how can we know who God places before us?

Strangers are arriving on our doorsteps, towns, and churches. Will we turn them away? Will we not "touch" the unclean? Because they are not like us, will we push them away? Are we so separated that mercy only extends to those who agree with us or look like us? 

Deuteronomy 10:18 says God "loveth the stranger, in giving him food and raiment." Are we willing to do the same?

So here's the challenge: To fulfill the Great Commission's demands, we must interact with strangers. You cannot give someone the Gospel or hope to build an opportunity to witness without personal interaction. 
Don't let stranger danger keep you from sharing God's Word or opening your hand of mercy.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Week Fifty - Cookie Cutters

Today, I wanted to share some thoughts about cookies—not the type associated with computers, but those we see in abundance during the Christmas season—those we make and decorate with our kids, those shaped to look like gingerbread men, Christmas trees, or even reindeer.

I've had many fails with Christmas cookies! Some I rolled too thin, and they turned out crunchy; some lost their shame and came out like blobs. And my decorating skills are almost zero when it comes to icing cookies or cupcakes! But that's not what I want to think about with you either.

You and I are not cookies—that's my thought! We are uniquely designed. No two of God's children are the same, but His will for His children is consistent. All of us are to give thanks, walk worthy, be saved, and live sanctified lives. That's His perfect recipe, but none of us are the same because He designs each of us according to His specific purpose. That's what makes us individually unique.

As I thought more about our individuality, I understood that we will give individual accounts to God for what we decided to do with Jesus in salvation, how we obeyed His Word, and how we served the Lord. We have only one life, one opportunity to fulfill God's perfect design for our lives, but there is no need to fret and search with bewilderment. His Word reveals His ideal design. All we have to do is follow the instructions given in the recipe.

If we do that, if we follow God's instructions, we won't miss His plan for our lives. However, if we cheat on the recipe, cut corners, swap things out, or fail to follow the instructions, things won't turn out so well. And yet, God knows all about that, too! Even misshaped cookies taste okay!

Everyone who knows Christ as Saviour is worthy in God's eyes—not because we are cookie-cutter perfect, but because of Christ's sacrifice. We are the apple of His eye, the child in whom He delights, and He directs His eternal love toward us, even those of us who are a bit too crispy or look like a blob!

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Week Forty-Nine - Who Are You Listening To?

It is often difficult to distinguish lies from truth on the news and social media. It all depends on who you listen to and the motivation behind their information. 

I got to thinking about the war in Ukraine, Trump, Biden, and Putin, increased energy prices, the new government here in the UK, and a host of other things. I grew concerned, trying to figure this all out. 

Well, you know that was a waste of effort. I'm not in charge or responsible for any of those things. I cannot change them, and my voice would make little difference. Neither would yours. We are just peons, victims of this world's actions. But are we?

I had to align my thinking with scripture. When it comes to war, God said we would experience it. Nothing new there. Trump and Biden? Putin? God is the one who raises up and takes down leaders. Increased prices are scary and unpredictable, but these things always fluctuate. God already knows about that, and He knows the outcome of everything. It is all His to design.

Isaiah 40 popped up in my mind. It holds several promises and thoughts. Verse 4 assures us God will make the crooked places straight and the rough places plain. He will make a path for us, and His Word will stand forever, verse 8.

Then, verses 13 and 14 put before us a serious question. "Who hath directed the Spirit of the Lord, or being his counsellor hath taught him? With whom took he counsel, and who instructed him, and taught him in the path of judgment, and taught him knowledge, and shewed to him the way of understanding?" In other words, who am I to think I could outfigure God or tell Him what to do? I needed to get back into my place.

Then, verses 15 and 17 really caught my attention. "Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket and are counted as the small dust of the balance... All nations before him are as nothing." Wow! What difference when you get things back into God's perspective.

Chapter 40 finishes with a couple more great verses. Verses 28 and 31 read, "Hast thou not known? Hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding...But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faith.

Finally, Proverbs 14:15 gives this admonition, "The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his goings." So, let's not listen more intently to the news and the world than we do to our God's eternal, unchanging voice.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Week Forty-Eight - Hushed Praise

"Earth should be a temple filled with the songs of grateful saints, and every day should be a censor smoking with the sweet incense of thanksgiving." Charles H. Spurgeon

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day 2024. Are you ready? This is one of my favorite days of the year. There are no presents to buy, no fireworks to shoot off, and no silly outfits are required, but still, there is an awesomeness about taking time to share a meal and observe a day of thanks with family and friends.

My mind goes back to my childhood on the farm and the sumptuous flavors of grandma's meal, the permeating smells of the kitchen, and the hustle and bustle of preparation. Surrounded by aunties and uncles, crazy cousins, and extended family, we would eventually settle down to prayer. Oh, how my grandfather could pray. The hush of the family, the sacredness of the moment, and the love that rose from his gentle and humble praying voice always moved me to tears, and the memory still does today.

I don't know what your Thanksgiving will look like. Mine certainly doesn't look like it did when I was a child, but I still experience that moment of hushed and sacred praise when the prayer of Thanksgiving goes up before the meal.

That same sacredness and thankfulness should not be reserved for once a year but be a part of every day, a sweet-smelling intense that burns consistently. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 reads, "In every thing give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."

In every thing, and every day, may our prayers of thanksgiving rise to the Lord. Why? Because this is His will, and we are His people. Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Week Forty-Seven - Morning Dreams

Do you ever wake up in meditation? I sometimes do. A while back, I woke up meditating on the universe and how small I am by comparison. God controls the universe, every star, every dust particle, every dark planet, and my puny frame. Every raindrop has a purpose. Every microorganism and cell in our body works according to His purpose and design. He is attentive to every detail. 

Praise welled up in my heart as I felt His love for me and marveled at God's greatness—to think that He looks upon me with love and tender care. Not a word or thought passes without His notice. What precious and humbling thoughts opened my day.

Then, I went to my study, and God directed my thoughts further as I read Spurgeon's devotion. He wrote,

"Some things in nature must remain a mystery to the most intelligent and enterprising investigators. Human knowledge has bounds beyond which it cannot go. Universal knowledge is for God alone. If this is true concerning things which are seen and temporal, I may rest assured that it is even more true for matters spiritual and eternal. Why then, have I been torturing my brain with speculations as to destiny and will, fixed fate and human responsibility? These deep and dark truths I am no more able to comprehend than to find out the depth which lurks below, from which the old ocean draws her watery stores."

He contemplates why the human mind is so curious about the Lord's providence, action, and design and then arrives at my morning's thoughts.

"Shall I ever be able to clasp the sun in my fist, and hold the universe in my palm? Yet these are just a drop in the bucket compared with the Lord my God."

Humility becomes the position of the child who yields to the greatness of such a Father. We cannot fathom the least of God, but we are a part of Him. There is no need to waste our energy on figuring; instead, we can rest our thoughts on His greatness. "Let me not strive to understand the infinite but spend my strength in love. What I can't gain by intellect I can possess by affection, and let that satisfy me," Spurgeon continued.

"Solving deep mysteries do me no single bit of good, for the least love for God and the simplest act of obedience to Him, are better than the profoundest knowlege. My Lord, I leave the infinite to You, and pray that You put far from me such a love for the tree of knowledge as might keep me from the tree of life."

I walked into my day in agreement, covered in God's love and assured of His greatness and omnipotence.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Week Forty-Six - The Lottery

Playing the lottery is an accepted activity these days. In England, the Lottery is a resource for charities and community groups to apply for funds for events, and most people don't think twice about using Lottery money, even for the church.

By definition, a lottery is the collection of funds by selling numbered tickets and then giving prizes through a random draw. It is an activity whose success or outcome is totally governed by chance.

I don't play the lottery, and I'm so thankful the Lord doesn't govern my life by chance. I am not a random draw, and neither are you. I am not a pawn, either. I have a purpose, and so do you.

The Bible does talk about something called a lot. In Proverbs 16:33, it says, "The lot is cast into the lap; but the whole disposing thereof is of the Lord." This lot was not the selling of tickets with the promise of a possible prize. It was more like rolling the dice to determine a direction or make a decision. So, if the disposal of the lot is the Lord's, if He guides even the simple rolling of the dice, how much more the events of our entire life?

You see, life isn't a lottery. It is designed by God. Even the hairs on your head are numbered. He knows every thought, every word, and every motive of your heart. Nothing is outside His governance. This should bring a greater calmness to your soul. Your anxious mind should rest in this truth. 

Spurgeon wrote, "An anxious person cannot pray with faith; when troubled about the world, instead of serving your Master, your thoughts are serving you. You are meddling with Christ's business and neglecting your own when you fret about your lot and circumstances."

I find nothing but frustration when I try to figure out life. When I wake in the night, fretting over the whys and hows of the past and even of the future, I know I am way out of my realm. I am not the one whose design is all-knowing and ever-present. I am but a tiny cog in His glorious design, and I must remind myself to get back into my place. 

He will not let me starve while He has such great abundance. He will not forget about me. He has a plan for my life, and it includes His grace, mercy, and blessings. He will not abandon me, for He has promised to be with me forever. So I can obey and claim the promise of Psalm 55:22, "Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee; he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved."

That is where I would rather cast my lot! His heart of mercy will never prove unkind, and His wisdom will never be at fault. He is my Intercessor, pleading for me before the throne. Sounds like a much better bet!

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Week Forty-Five - The Bigger Slice of Cake

Oh, how I hated giving my sister the bigger slice of cake! But my mother often talked about putting others first as a sign of maturity. 

When my sister and I fought over who got to sit in the front passenger seat, my mother would say, "The more mature will give way." I'd take the back seat because I was the oldest and wanted to be considered the more mature. Even though I felt begrudging, I also felt proud of myself for letting her have the front seat and, sometimes, even the bigger slice of cake. 

Learning self-denial can be untasteful, but it is a life skill necessary for happiness and fulfillment. The greedy, narcissistic, and selfish child never feels complete and rarely finds any deep level of happiness or satisfaction because they are always looking for what they might have missed out on or who got more than themselves.

Sadly, the quality of self-denial seems lost in our society and rarely displayed, even by our public leaders. Our pulpits and classrooms are full of teaching on self-worth, self-promotion, and identity based on the idea that giving to others is only beneficial when we also benefit from it ourselves. That is far from Biblical teaching.

Philippians 2:3 tells us to "esteem others better than ourselves." Isn't that a crazy thought? To view others as more important than ourselves? To think of their needs and value ahead of our own? To lift them up ahead of ourselves? To give them the front seat or the biggest slice of cake? How in the world would that help us get ahead in life?

Let me suggest two benefits. First, we would gain respect. Most people admire and appreciate a thoughtful person. Using manners like opening doors for ladies or giving someone your place in line or your seat causes people to take notice. Kindness breeds kindness, and respect is earned, not demanded. So, maturity means giving place to another.

Another benefit of self-denial is an inner knowledge of goodness. A little verse in Proverbs 14:14 says, "A good man shall be satisfied from himself." Knowing we have done right and not been greedy or grabbing gives us a feeling of goodness. We see ourselves as good people because we show our goodness in action to others.

Let me add another benefit of self-denial: It tends to self-control. For example, we have not learned self-denial until we say no to things like overeating, overspending, or speeding. There is a level of maturity that calls us to submit to the law, especially God's law.

Elizabeth Elliot wrote, "The earlier the parents begin to make the laws of order and beauty and quiet comprehensible to the children, the sooner they will acquire good, strong notions of what is so basic to real godliness - self-denial. A Christian home should be a place of peace; there is no peace where there is no self-denial."

Let's return to Proverbs 13:10. "Only by pride cometh contention, but with the well-advised is wisdom."

A lack of self-denial is pride. It is putting oneself first. And what does the Proverbs say is the result? Contention. Contention is fighting, opposition, and struggle. 

And oh, how my sister and I could fight when we didn't want the other one to have first place when our pride drove our decisions and actions. We've all been there. We've all worn the T-shirt. Haven't we?

But what is the second part of that verse? "With the well advised is wisdom?" How thankful I am for a mother who gave me good advice. 

Being willing to put others first and not demanding that my prideful self be given the biggest slice of cake or the biggest anything has kept me out of many problems. 

Being demanding is taxing on everyone, but thoughtful, generous people are a source of joy.

People who only think of themselves cannot be trusted. They look out for themselves, and you are not in their equation. Self-focus causes short tempers and resentment on both sides, leading to poor relationships.

God's way is different. "Give, and it shall be given unto you." "Don't think of yourself more highly than you ought." Condescend - give way for others. Share what you have. Look to the way of others - not for gain, but to be a blessing, etc. Many more instructions in God's Word teach us the quality of self-denial.

So, take the back seat and give your neighbor, or even your sister, the bigger slice of cake!

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Week Forty-Four - Come No Further

A few weeks ago, our Wednesday night lesson was about God's omnipotence, His power being limitless, consistent, and without challenge. The teacher made note of the bounds God sets even upon the seas. Their edges are controlled; otherwise, the world would be flooded. God's power holds back the tide! And He holds everything in His control.

It reminded me of one of Spurgeon's devotions about John 11:4. Lazarus is ill, and the family is calling for Jesus to come. Jesus begins to travel but is interrupted by the needs of those around him. His comment to the family is, "This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby."

We know the rest of the story. Jesus comes and raises Lazarus from the tomb, and many believe in Jesus, glorifying God for this miracle.

But Spurgeon, cunningly, pulls a thought from one word in Jesus' statement - unto. There is a restraint, a limit beyond which a thing cannot go, a point, and a purpose in the activity. God's "fixed purpose is not the destruction, but the instruction of His people," Spurgeon says. "Wisdom hangs up the thermometer at the furnace mouth, and regulates the heat."

So, let's consider three points Spurgeon makes about this limit; this come no further.

1. "The limit is encouragingly comprehensive. God's providence limits time, manner, intensity, repetition, and the effects of all our sicknesses; each throb is decreed, each sleepless hour predestined, each relapse ordained, each depression of spirit foreknown, and each sanctifying result eternally purposed. Nothing great or small escapes the ordaining hand of Him who numbers the hairs of our head.

2. This limit is wisely adjusted to our strength, to the end designed, and to the grace apportioned. Affliction is not a haphazard event - the weight of every stroke of the rod is accurately measured. He who made no mistakes in balancing the clouds and measuring out the heavens commits no errors in measuring out the ingredients which constitute the medicine of souls. We cannot allow too much nor be delivered too late.

3. The limit is tenderly appointed. The knife of the heavenly Surgeon never cuts deeper than is absolutely necessary. God does not willingly afflict or grieve his children. A mother's heart cries, "Spare my child;" but no mother is more compassionate than our gracious God. When we consider how hard-mouthed we are, it is a wonder that we are not driving with a sharper bit. The thought is full of consolation, that He who has fixed the bounds of our habitation, has also fixed the bounds of our tribulation."

That last phrase stuck in my mind—"the bounds of our tribulation." We may suffer intensely and wonder why, but God knows and sets the limit. No pain, suffering, or evil intent can go any further than what He allows. He is all-powerful and fully in control of everything we experience. 

That's not to say we won't grieve or fear. Not to say we won't experience loss or intense pain. But it is to say that with God, there is a limit. It can come no further than He allows, so entrust yourself to Him. Allow Him to be glorified in whatever you are experiencing. "Wisdom (God Himself) hangs up the thermometer at the furnace mouth, and regulates the heat."

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Week Forty-Three - Running Free

God's children are free to run about the house.

Joyful play is one sign of a happy home and a healthy relationship. Security, confidence, and acceptance blossom in children from happy homes, and the redeemed child of God should be the same.

God's children are free from the law, have no condemnation, are sufficient in all things, enriched to all bountifulness, living by the faith of the Son of God, who loves them and gave Himself for them. 

They are children of the free with liberty, walking worthy, edified in love, equipped and supplied by the Spirit, raised to sit in heavenly places, striving together for the faith of the gospel, filled with fruits of righteousness, able to do all things through Christ, always rejoicing, complete in Him, forgiven, able to stand perfect and complete in all the will of God, etc... and we could go on and on about who we are in Christ and the privileges of being God's child. Such is our freedom.

Spurgeon said, "When Jesus comes into the heart, He issues a general license to delight in the Lord." And what does the Bible say about delighting in the Lord? "Delight thyself in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart" (Psalm 37:4). That's a tremendous promise to claim. Add the promise of Psalm 84:11, "No good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly," and you should be rejoicing and running free in the promises of God. 

God desires to bless His children. He delights in their joys. He loves seeing them joyful and confident because this reveals their faith and love for Him.

Happy children are a joy, aren't they? Though happiness isn't God's only goal, it is a product of His activity in our lives. And God gives more than happiness—He gives joy! A deep abiding stream of life flowing within from the fountain of life—Christ our Saviour.

God's children are marked by this evidence of joy and the expression of love to each other and those around them. How, or why, should it be any other way?

Why would God's children ever fear when He is always there as the Protector? Why would God's children ever hide when His acceptance and forgiveness are secured in Christ? Why would God's children recoil from His love when He comes without condemnation? Spurgeon said, "No chains are worn in the court of King Jesus." Amen! God's children are free!

Friend, if you know Christ, you can run about the house! I don't mean without restraint or good manners, but without fear, hiding, and shame. You are free - free indeed - in Christ. So run about your Father's house confidently, enjoying your place in the family.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Week Forty-Two - People and Peonies

"These gorgeous peonies arrived at my door Sunday afternoon. I knew who they were from as soon as I saw the box. A friend who has known my joys as well as my sorrow. A friend who has grown and blossomed with me. We have supported each other. Laughed together. Cried together. Have we always seen eye to eye? Of course not, but our goal and desire have always been the same: to love the Lord our God with all our hearts and to love our neighbor as ourselves. We haven't always gotten it right, but I know we are both thankful for the time God has given us to grow, learn, and change. To bloom where we are planted.

For the past few days, I have watched these gorgeous peonies quickly open, arrive at their fullest bloom, and then quickly begin to fade. Oh the sadness I felt on realizing their peak had already come and gone. Did I enjoy them enough in that moment? Did I appreciate their beauty as they gave me all they had? I can honestly say I did. I've sat in my living room soaking up their vibrant color, observing their open, eager faces basking in the sun. They have brought me joy these past few days. And now, even as they fade, I can see the beauty they hold. There is beauty in every phase of life if we look for it. The color has faded to a softer, gentler hue. The petals droop a little now, maybe tired from the energy they used to shine so brightly for their moment in time. Yet, I still sit here, looking long, appreciating these amazing flowers God created. I sit here, finding myself in their story. Maybe you can find yourself there, too."

These words came from RuthAnn, a precious colleague and friend I recently lost to cancer. Her journey was unexpected and mercifully short, but her influence and friendship will remain as vibrant as the flowers she enjoyed.

Friendships come in many forms. There are childhood friends, college mates, friends made at work, friends that seem only for a season, and even friends that grow estranged. Each plays a part in our lives, and we play a part in theirs. We, like the gorgeous peonies, are temporary. As brightly as we may glow in someone's life, we will droop and eventually fade. 

The precious thing about my friend and I is that we shared a mutual friend, the Lord Jesus. His friendship throughout the years, and especially during these final few months, has been the glow that carried my friend on her journey. As I write and reflect today, I know that His friendship is the only one that can carry the grieving.

Songwriter Arthur Luther wrote:

Earthly friends may prove untrue, Doubts and fears assail;
One still loves and cares for you: Jesus never fails.

Tho' the sky be dark and drear, Fierce and strong the gale,
Just remember He is near, And He will not fail.

In life's dark and bitter hour, Love will still prevail;
Trust His everlasting power; Jesus will not fail.

Jesus never fails, Jesus never fails;
Heav'n and earth may pass away,
But Jesus never fails.

RuthAnn closed her note to me with these two scriptures. "But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof" (Matthew 6:33-34). 

And Isaiah 40:6-8, "The voice said Cry, and he said, What shall I cry? All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field: the grass withereth, the flower fadeth: because the spirit of the LORD bloweth upon it: surely the people is grass. The grass withereth the flower fadeth; but the word of our God shall stand for ever."

Dear reader friend, it is my prayer that you have loving earthly friendships to encourage you along your journey, but it is my greater prayer that you know the friend above all friends, the Lord Jesus. If you have questions, you can contact me via my website www.gailgritts.com or follow this link for more information - https://www.questionsgod.com/word-pdf/roman-road-to-salvation-kjv.pdf

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Week Forty-One - Need a Lift?

Sometimes, we feel low because we are physically, mentally, or emotionally exhausted. Other times, our lowness comes from the things happening around us, such as bad news, frustration, sadness at a friend's illness, or even the inability to keep life peaceful or without unwanted drama. Lots of things bring us down, but our Lord never does.

Psalm 3:3 tells us He is the "lifter up" of our heads. I've had to claim that promise many times when my spirit dropped to empty and my head was bowed in grief. I've always found the Lord met me there and lifted me up, placing me into His loving arms and renewing my outlook.

The Bible is full of encouragement for low times, and His Spirit has a precious way of bringing comfort and assurance when we feel low. 

Psalm 31 gives us several positive promises and truths that lift us up.

Verse 1 - He will deliver.

Verse 3 - He is our rock and fortress.

Verse 5 - He will redeem us.

Verse 7 - He knows our troubles and understands the adversity of our souls.

Verse 8 - He will not leave us in the hand of the enemy.

Verse 15 - Our times are in His hand.

What a precious promise! Our Father cares for us every moment of the day, lifting us up with His precious promises and eternal love.

Psalm 41:12 reads, "And as for me, thou upholdest me in mine integrity, and settest me before thy face for ever." God watches us always—forever!  Even when our heads hang low, and our knees are weak, He is still there beside us, ready to lend a helping hand and lift us up.

So, we can say with the psalmist, "Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted in me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance" (Psalm 42:5).

Friend, you may be in a low spot right now. Remember, it is just for a moment. Take yourself to Psalm 31 and read for a while. The closing verse is yet another precious promise. "Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord." It is my prayer that God would do just that for you today - lift you up and renew your strength. So, be of good courage. God knows where you are!

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Week Forty - I Stopped

Several years ago, the Lord gave me a word that became a spiritual instruction. The word was enough. His Spirit said, "That is enough, Gail. Enough trying to figure things out. Enough fretting and fear. Enough trying to solve everyone else's problems or thinking you can fix things for them. Enough." 

I wish I could tell you I obeyed immediately, but I didn't. It was several months of heartache and disappointment before I decided to obey by faith. And let me tell you, I have never regretted my decision. When I stopped figuring, fretting, and fixing, I found such peace, and I began seeing God work and even answer prayer.

We are often too slow to respond when it comes to stopping. Maybe that's why we crash! Or maybe our spiritual brakes are bad, causing us to appear erratic or swerving. Learning to stop is a vital safety maneuver!

I read a post a while back where another person talked about stopping. Here's what it said.

"I once asked a very successful person to share their secret. They smiled and said, 'I started succeeding when I started leaving small fights for small fighters. I stopped fighting those who gossiped about me. I stopped fighting with my in-laws. I stopped fighting for attention. I stopped fighting to meet people's expectations of me. I stopped fighting for my rights with inconsiderate people. I stopped fighting to please everyone. I stopped fighting to prove they were wrong about me. I left such fights for those with nothing else to do but fight, and I started fighting for my vision, dreams, ideas, and destiny. The day I gave up on small fights is when I became successful and so much more content.'" 

I must agree. Contentment and peace became my overriding state when I stopped and obeyed the Lord.

Why do we struggle with stopping? Let me offer a few suggestions. 

We may think no one else could solve the problem like we can. 

We may think that if we walked away from the situation, we would be perceived as not caring or loving enough. 

We might even believe our way is the right way, and if we stopped putting in our two cents or keeping our fingers in the pie, things wouldn't turn out well. 

Do you see the pride in those thoughts?

Let me give you a couple of Scriptures to consider. James 4:1-2 reads, "From whence come wars and fighting among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members? Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not."

Isn't this what we do when we refuse to listen to God's Spirit? We push and shove and try to get things to go our way. God calls that the lusts that war in our members—the desires that drive us. 

Proverbs 13:10 says, "Only by pride cometh contention." If we combine that with the verses in James and study the subject throughout the Bible, we will learn that pride is the core problem.

We don't stop because we are driven by pride. We want to look good, sound good, be perceived as the ones with the answers, and be able to solve all the problems, but that is not our place! 

You find the key when you read chapter four of James. That key is humility. Verse ten reads, "Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up." 

Listening and obeying when God's Spirit told me it was enough was humbling. I knew I should stop, but I feared what might happen. And you know what? None of the things I feared happened. Instead, God gave me great peace and a secure contentment that my obedience was enough. He would do the rest.

So, what do you need to stop today? Fretting? Fussing? Complaining? Fixing? There can be many things we push with a background of pride. I challenge you to go before the Lord and see what word He gives you. Then, obey by faith and let God take care of the rest.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Week Thirty-Nine - Ruth, the Gleaner

Do you know the story of Ruth? This poor girl finds herself a widow in a strange country, caring for her aging mother-in-law and gleaning grain from the corners of the field. Probably wasn't the life she'd imagined, but this is where she finds herself, and Ruth's attitude and demeanor are well worth our attention.

As we look at some of her gleaning qualities, apply them to your own in the fields of prayer, meditation, and the Word as you gather spiritual fruit.

Ruth gathered her portion bit by bit. She gained little by little. Are you content to search for single truths? Do you store them up to create a bundle of truth for your benefit? Are you consistent in your gathering?

Ruth kept her eyes open. She was watching for the precious fruit. Are you watchful? Do you see the value of the opportunities God gives you for service, and do you glean diligently with your eyes on the harvest? Are you aware of the opportunities for witnessing? Or do you walk through life without concern for others?

Ruth had to stoop for all she found. We, too, must stoop with lowly minds to glean and receive benefits. A humble heart reaches deep down for the truth, while a prideful gleaner will not. Does Bible truth seem too cheap for your attention? 

Ruth held on to what she had gathered, carefully retaining her fruits. Are you doing the same? Or do you easily forget what you hear and read? Do you understand the importance of storing up truth? 

Finally, Ruth labored with a sense of necessity. She knew that meeting her physical needs demanded this activity. Do you understand that feeding your soul on the Bread of Life is paramount to a healthy spiritual life? Do you labor in the Word or just snack?

Ruth's story doesn't leave her as a poor gleaner in a field. She meets the man of her dreams and becomes part of Christ's lineage. Those are some wonderful benefits for the girl who gleaned. God blesses those who value His Word and spend time in His field.

Revelation 1:3 reads, "Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand."

Until He comes, let's be gleaning everything we can! The blessing is assured.

NOTE: Yesterday, my friend RuthAnn Pickett went home to be with the Lord. She was a faithful gleaner and I dedicate today’s blog to her, my friend and colleague in ministry.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Week Thirty-Eight - Why is Life So Hard?

One of my little sayings was, "If we'd all work together, we can get this done in thirty minutes." But, trying to get my children to work together was like herding cats, and the thirty-minute job turned into a several-hour event. Today, as adults, my children look back and see things would have been much easier and quicker if they'd just worked together, and they laugh as they hear themselves saying similar things to their children.

It's a shame it takes us so long to learn certain skills. Our obstinance and refusal to cooperate make life harder than it needs to be. For example, we purchase packet furniture and ignore the directions. Then, we get angry because it doesn't go together correctly. We speed and get angry at the policeman for the ticket. We lose our temper and spout hateful words, then wonder why people avoid us. We disrespect our spouse and then wonder why they don't respond lovingly.

Why do we do these things? Why do we make life so hard? It's hard enough without our adding to the situation. What can we do?

There is no simple formula for making life easy. We are broken and live on a broken planet with broken people. We cannot change that, but we can do some things to make life gentler and less difficult.

Initially, we can obey. Nike's slogan, "Just Do It," would be good for us to adopt. Obey without question or delay, and things usually go much smoother for everyone. Just following instructions and doing as we are told helps loads! 

Obeying our parents is the first skill we should learn because obedience brings happiness to the home and creates healthy relationships. Then, we learn obedience to authority in school and society. This brings unity to the community and earns us a good reputation. Ultimately, obedience must be applied to our submission to God's Word.

We make life less difficult by trusting the Lord, committing our lives to Him, taking one step at a time, living with a confident faith, and believing God's will is best. But we are so fatally prone to do the opposite, making life more difficult. 

When we don't obey, we hit hurdles. When we aren't trusting the Lord, we are trusting ourselves, which rarely works out well for us. When we don't commit our lives to Him, we are saying we can do it on our own, and that's a very lonely place. When we race ahead without taking each necessary step, we may arrive at our destination, but we will be ill-equipped for continuance. When we aren't living by confident faith, the Bible says it is a sin, the sin of self-reliance and pride. And when we fail to believe God's will is best, we create a world of chaos that makes life so hard.

So, today's challenge is to look at the hard spots in your life and ask yourself if they result from your disobedience toward God, your parents, your spouse, or even your employer. Is it a failure to fully trust God and believe His way is best? Is life hard because your self-reliance and pride put you at odds with others? Have you created a world of chaos by your unwillingness to obey or demanding your way?

If so, by cooperating with the Lord, most things can be sorted—maybe not in thirty minutes, but in His timing. Are you willing to cooperate? Or are you going to continue running riot like a herd of cats?


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Week Thirty-Seven - Spiritual Mildew

This past spring, we returned to England from a year's furlough in the States to a lawn choked and dying, overtaken by weeds and moss. After I applied weed and moss killer, dead, dry patches covered the lawn, but the grass wasn't coming back to life. 

Finally, I paid a professional to come in with heavier chemicals, and after several weeks, my lawn began recovering. Moss, mildew, and other destructive things like parasites and fungi attack gardens, vegetables, and flowers. Surely, if it weren't for the goodness of God, they would spread and create famine all over the land. 

Comparatively, spiritual mildew is also a great blight. It takes root when a debilitating general apathy, a deep trial, or a hurtful confrontation leaves you empty and dry. Have you noticed a deficiency of sincerity in yourself or those around you? Do you see or experience spiritual laziness or debilitating pride? Are your prayers shriveled and your service cold? All of these are warning signs of spiritual mildew creeping into your heart.

When it comes to the moss in the garden, intense heat must dry it out and kill the roots. Spiritually, the moss and mildew of our blighted hearts need the light of the Word and heat from the blessed Son of Righteousness to shine intensely. The roots of pride, bitterness, apathy, and laziness must be killed so new spiritual energy and hope can grow.

Friend, maybe you, like my lawn, suffer from spiritual mildew. You feel flat, overtaken, and covered in dry, dead patches. It may be time for you to call in the professional, the great Healer of your soul, and let Him use Spirit-filled chemicals to restore the beauty of your soul's garden. Forgiveness, repentance, and honest confession must be tilled into the soil of your soul before weeds and mildew can ever be removed.

Psalm 51:10-12 is one of David's prayers about his personal spiritual mildew. He prayed, "Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; And uphold me with thy free spirit."

Let this be your prayer, and may His Word shine into your heart today and create lush spiritual beauty!

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Week Thirty-Six - I'm Not Listening

When rebellious teenagers or stubborn adults set their minds to having their own way, they stop listening. Proverbs 13:1 reads, "A wise son heareth his father's instruction: but a scorner heareth not rebuke." Very straightforward, isn't it? Wise people listen; scorners don't. 

This short chapter in Proverbs reveals more about people who aren't listening. 

They want everything to come easily to them. Verse 4 reads, "The soul of the sluggard desireth and hath nothing."

Their pride creates continuous friction. Verse 10 reads, "Only by pride cometh contention."

They spend until they are poor. Verse 11, "Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished."

They are frustrated when plans fail. Verse 12, "Hope deferred maketh the heart sick."

They can't understand why their way is so hard. Verse 15, "The way of transgressors is hard."

Yet, they refuse to alter their course. Verse 19, "It is an abomination to fools to depart from evil."

So they look for people to agree with them. Verse 20, "A companion of fools shall be destroyed."

And they are never satisfied. Verse 25, "The belly of the wicked shall want."

And all the while, they refuse to listen."A scorner loveth not one that reproveth him: neither will he go unto the wise" (Proverbs 15:12).

Friend, refusing to listen to wise counsel is the surest way to an unhappy and unproductive life. 

Let's compare the benefits of listening to what we've just drawn, still from Proverbs 13.

Verse 4 - "The soul of the diligent shall be made fat."  Hard work pays off.

Verse 10 - "With the well advised is wisdom." Receiving sound advice makes for better decisions.

Verse 11 - "He that gathereth by labour shall increase." Earning and saving create wealth.

Verse 12 - "When the desire cometh, it is a tree of life." Good goals produce good outcomes.

Verse 15 - "Good understanding giveth favour." Life is easier when you make good decisions.

Verse 19 - "The desire accomplished is sweet to the soul." Progress feels good.

Verse 20 - "He that walketh with wises men shall we wise." Good companions are paramount.

Verse 25 - "The righteous eateth to the satisfying of his soul." Doing right brings satisfaction.

Which side sounds more beneficial to you? And are you listening?

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Week Thirty-Five - Persevere

I keenly remember the drudgery of young motherhood. The constant scheduling of feeds and naps, the demands of expectations I put on myself, the constant laundry, housework, and meals. I thought it would never end. I remember being so very tired and even disillusioned as I tried to raise my little brood of five and do ministry. 

Thankfully, my grandmothers and friends would occasionally take the kids and give me a reprieve! But nothing changed the drudgery of keeping up with young children, except when I remembered my love for them and the blessedness of having a family.

Childrearing was only for a season, and I survived! You will, too! But drudgery isn't reserved only for the young mother. Life has a way of settling into ruts, and we get bored, disillusioned, and chained to our schedules until beauty seems to be squeezed out.

James 1:24 is the verse we will consider today in light of this idea of drudgery. It reads, "My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing."

Elizabeth Elliot tells of a visit to Dohnavar Fellowship India. "There, day after day, year in and year out, Indian women (most of them single) care for little children, handicapped children, infirm adults, old folks. They don't go anywhere. They have none of our usual forms of amusement and diversion. They work with extremely primitive equipment - there is no running water, for example, no stoves but wood-burning ones, and no washing machines. In one of the buildings, I saw this text: 'There they dwelt with the King for His work.' That's the secret. They do it for Him. They ask for and receive His grace to do it. I saw the joy in their lovely faces."

Why do we do what we do? If we do it for ourselves, it will become drudgery. If we do it only for the benefit of others, we will burn out with the sacrifice. But if we do it for Christ, we serve a higher purpose and have a richer resource.

In James, the phrase, "Let patience have her perfect work," points us to that purpose and source. There is an outcome, reward, measure of growth, and blessing to all we experience. 

So, how can I help myself rise above the drudgery of today and see the better purpose and source of life?

Let's look a bit more at James 1:24: "Count it all joy." Count your blessings. Look for the good things in your situation—even the tiny ones. You can live a long time on tiny blessings! They add up, and eventually, your perseverance and faith will reward you with greater patience and maturity.

"Let patience have her perfect work." You aren't going through what you're going through for nothing. Those little ones will grow up, and if you have done your part, they will be happy and productive, bringing you great joy and pride. You aren't working your job or doing your ministry for nothing. God will give the increase in every area of life when we persevere. Someone else said, "The glory of tomorrow is rooted in the drudgery of today."  So don't give up yet!

"Perfect and entire, wanting nothing." I love that phrase. You can't be mature, whole, and fulfilled at the beginning of any project. Those things are reserved for the ending. So, remaining steadfast and perseverant is the only way to reach this position. It's a great place to be when you can look back and see all God accomplished through your consistency and what you considered years of drudgery.

This is how we stay motivated - looking for the benefit ahead. I call it futurizing!

We do it for the King! We do it patiently and persistently, with the purpose of His glory, until we become "perfect, entire, wanting nothing" - or not lacking - in any grace!

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Week Thirty-Four - How Was Your Sunday?

How was your Sunday? Did you go to church? Did you sing as unto the Lord? Did you have sweet fellowship with the family of God? Did the Word preached permeate your spirit? Or did you go expecting the music to lift you, others to listen to you, and the preacher to get it over with?

What a real challenge the minister faces each service. Folks come with burdens and resentments, and sometimes only out of duty. Others are out there singing their hearts out with the joy of the Lord written across their faces. How is he to meet the needs of such a variety?

S. Martin, speaking of the minister, wrote, "You expect the minister to confess, give thanks, and pray for you, and you do not so much join with him as listen to him. This ought not to be, for you yourselves are a priesthood. We are God's ministers, but we are not God's priests. Our great high priest is Jesus Christ, but as you are priests unto God, we want your sacrifice. Our desire is that you should pray with me, and give thanks with me, and confess with me. Allowing me to lead you, but not allowing my prayers to be substituted for your own - thoroughly congregational."

Thoroughly congregational. That means we all participate in the service, not just watching or listening but joining in as a part of the family. This joining in, this joying in, shows on your face. By the way, to be congregational necessitates attendance - you can't be congregational online!

S. Martin says, "There is something in the effect of the human face which is not to be despised in worship. It awakens sympathy, and there is something pleasant in the idea of making others glad by one's countenance. Assist each other in the House of Prayer by the help of your countenance. Gladness, we say, will throw light into your countenance and will give a brilliant tone to all your utterances."

So here's your challenge for this coming Sunday. Show up! Show up with joy and anticipation on your face. Come expecting God to meet with you and expecting yourself to open your heart and voice to Him in praise through song and conversations. Don't just watch church take place; be a part of it. Be congregational!