Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Week Thirty-Nine - Ruth, the Gleaner

Do you know the story of Ruth? This poor girl finds herself a widow in a strange country, caring for her aging mother-in-law and gleaning grain from the corners of the field. Probably wasn't the life she'd imagined, but this is where she finds herself, and Ruth's attitude and demeanor are well worth our attention.

As we look at some of her gleaning qualities, apply them to your own in the fields of prayer, meditation, and the Word as you gather spiritual fruit.

Ruth gathered her portion bit by bit. She gained little by little. Are you content to search for single truths? Do you store them up to create a bundle of truth for your benefit? Are you consistent in your gathering?

Ruth kept her eyes open. She was watching for the precious fruit. Are you watchful? Do you see the value of the opportunities God gives you for service, and do you glean diligently with your eyes on the harvest? Are you aware of the opportunities for witnessing? Or do you walk through life without concern for others?

Ruth had to stoop for all she found. We, too, must stoop with lowly minds to glean and receive benefits. A humble heart reaches deep down for the truth, while a prideful gleaner will not. Does Bible truth seem too cheap for your attention? 

Ruth held on to what she had gathered, carefully retaining her fruits. Are you doing the same? Or do you easily forget what you hear and read? Do you understand the importance of storing up truth? 

Finally, Ruth labored with a sense of necessity. She knew that meeting her physical needs demanded this activity. Do you understand that feeding your soul on the Bread of Life is paramount to a healthy spiritual life? Do you labor in the Word or just snack?

Ruth's story doesn't leave her as a poor gleaner in a field. She meets the man of her dreams and becomes part of Christ's lineage. Those are some wonderful benefits for the girl who gleaned. God blesses those who value His Word and spend time in His field.

Revelation 1:3 reads, "Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand."

Until He comes, let's be gleaning everything we can! The blessing is assured.

NOTE: Yesterday, my friend RuthAnn Pickett went home to be with the Lord. She was a faithful gleaner and I dedicate today’s blog to her, my friend and colleague in ministry.

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