Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Week Forty-Nine-Good Stuff

I had a different blog ready for today, but when I read my devotion from Experiencing God by Blackaby I had to share it with you.

My personal meditation was already on something from Sunday’s sermon in Acts 10:38 where it says Jesus “went about doing good.” He healed people, taught with wisdom, and expressed a refreshing love. I was challenged to prayerfully consider how much good I was doing for those around me. And then came today’s devotion on 1Thessalonians 5:21 which reads, “Hold fast that which is good.”

Here’s some of what Blackaby said. “Hold fast that which is good, or the world will take it away. Satan is the relentless enemy of good. When he saw that what God gave Adam and Eve was good, he set about to take it away from them. When he saw that King David was pleasing to God, he attempted to destroy David’s relationship with God. Never take the good in your life for granted. If you do not hold on to it firmly, it may be lost.

People will challenge the good that you are practicing. they may criticise you for your moral stand, your child rearing, your use of money, or your involvement in church. Time pressures will attack the good in your life. Your time to pray, study Scripture, be with your family, and serve in your church will all be pressured by the many other demands you face. You may give generously to your church and other Christian causes, but you will be tempted to spend your money selfishly and minimise the good you are doing with your finances.”

The first sentence had my attention. Hold fast that which is good, or the world will take it away from you. Oh, how the world needs more good! But how their definition is lacking. Good is under attack but I am reminded of Galatians 5:23. After a list of the fruit of the Spirit-all the good stuff that should come from God’s children-the Scripture says, “against such there is no law.”

We are to follow Jesus’ example and go about doing good. There is no law against that. And we are supposed to hold onto the good . Defend it. Practice it daily. Let it be our motivation and the judge of our character. We shouldn’t allow the negativity or scoffing of the world to keep us from our task. It is the goodness of God that leads people to repentance. And God might use our good deeds to open their hearts.

Let me challenge you, as I am challenging myself, to do good, keep our eyes on good, hold fast to that which is good, and not allow the world to snatch it away.

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