Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Week Nine - A Little Comfort, Please

Ever need a good hug? Or a kind word? Isn’t it great when a friend reaches out to you and, without their knowledge, touches your soul with comfort? I love those moments. They are like little angel kisses sent directly from the heart of my Father giving me cause to rejoice, and strength to carry on.
   God does the same thing for me through His word and often through my devotional reading. Today, I want to share a bit of comfort that caused my heart to peacefully lean back and rest the other morning.
   C. H. Spurgeon, in his little devotional, Words of Cheer for Daily Life, wrote a whole chapter about The Holy Spirit a Comforter. I don’t want to type quotes, but I want to give you the eight incredible truths he brought out concerning the Holy Spirit, and a bit about what they meant to me. I hope they are precious to you, as well! 

The Holy Spirit is—

1)    Loving. 
His words comfort and assure me. They wrap my heart and give me peace.
2)    Faithful. 
He never leaves me. Even when I am struggling to understand or come to grips with a situation, or find the words to pray, he is right there with me!
3)    Unwearied. 
He never gets fed up with me! He does not cast me aside as a waste of time or an annoyance. I might bring the same complaint to him ten times a day, but every time I am faithfully met with the same love and patience.
4)    Wise. 
He knows me, and He knows God’s will. He will point me in the right way.  I can’t fool him—he sees right through me with wise eyes of love. He cuts right down to my real motivations and helps me see the error of my ways with gentleness and instruction.
5)    Safe. 
I know he will not say hateful or hurtful words to me. He might have to correct me, but he will not embarrass me or laugh at me. I can be open and honest, without fear, even when I feel ridiculous or know I am guilty.
6)    Active.
 He isn’t in the business of just listening or talking with me to no end. He will work on my behalf. He will answer prayer. He will move things for my good. 
7)    Successful. 
“He never attempts what he cannot accomplish.” (p 42) He started the work in me.  He will do it. I can trust in that. Even when I feel a failure or think things are going to fail, he will always accomplish his purpose and cause me to marvel.
8)    Ever-present. 
He is Immanuel, God with us. All I have to do is call. He never leaves me. He is the indwelling Spirit of God in this child of God. He is an ever-present help in times of trouble.

So, today, do you need some comfort? Do you need a listening ear? The Holy Spirit of God is the place to go. You can trust Him. He will not turn you away. Let him wrap you in his arms while you pour your heart out to him. Come, find the rest you need from this weary world and stand up again, refreshed and empowered by the comfort of Love.

Beside the Well