Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Week Thirty-Three - A Snippet of Time

Beside the Well

            My mornings most usually start with me sitting in my IKEA chair in the corner of my office with my Bible and reading books around me. Portable desk on my lap and a pair of reading glasses perched on my nose; I grab my pen and journal as I venture into the Word anticipating a message each day.  Sometimes it jumps off the page at me!  At other times, it comes as I move into reading my devotional material.  But no matter the source, those few minutes of quiet reflection, prayer, and feeding are vital to a good day!
            Dr. Caroline Leaf wrote, “Research has shown that five to sixteen minutes a day of focused, meditative capturing of thoughts shifts frontal brain states that are more likely to engage with the world.  Those same five to sixteen minutes of intense, deep thinking activity increased the chances of a happier outlook on life.”  (Switch On Your Brain, page 75)
            I never cease to be amazed at how God’s Word and science match up.  God knows our minds need a break from the frenzy of life.  Jesus, himself, left us the example as He withdrew for prayer and mental refreshment.  God’s Word calls us to time alone with Him, and even human research is proving the value of a good quiet time.
            I know many of you do not have the luxury of a leisurely quiet time. You have to catch the train, drive the commute, and fight the rat race.  But you still need that space for quiet reflection and the feeding of your soul. Maybe it can be while you are on that train, or listening to Christian music and a good podcast while driving, but wherever you catch that space for thought, make sure you do it!  God knows you need it!
            When we fail to focus our thoughts on God and His Word in a measured and focused manner, we provide a target for the enemy.  He will be sure to step in and catch our thoughts and throw us off balance.
            I know many times before I have left my chair, I have asked the Lord to protect my mind and direct my steps for that day.  I know I am vulnerable to Satan’s attacks on my mind.
            Those few minutes are my greatest strategy and securest weapon. It only takes a snippet of time to arm myself, but it can take days to unravel the enemy’s attack.
            Take time to arm yourself today!  Then, “Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established” Proverbs 16:3.
Gail Gritts
Beside the Well

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