Thursday, February 9, 2017

Week Six - Latin Lingo

Beside the Well

            I had started my day with a look at the news.  Headlines about Trump, Israel, Syria and other sad reports were on every broadcast.  I finished my tea and went upstairs for spiritual refreshment looking forward to my daily meeting with Spurgeon.  He started off with a bunch of Latin that meant nothing to me, but the definitions blessed my heart.  The devotion was so good I had to record the entire thing for you.
            “I remember one of the fathers bringeth in the flesh, saying of believers, Ego deficiam, I will surely fail them and make them miscarry; and the world, Ego decipiam, I will deceive them and entice them; and Satan, Ego eripiam, I will snatch them and carry them away; but God said, Ego custodiam, I will keep them, I will never fail them nor forsake them.  Here lieth our safety and security.
            In other words, the flesh saith, “I will deceive;” the world, “I will defile’” the devil, “I will destroy;” but the Lord saith, “I will defend;” and that one word of God takes the sting from all the rest.  The flesh is as a drawn sword, the world as a sharp spear, and Satan as a poisoned arrow; but the Lord God is a shield, and this baffles all.  The flesh is much, the world is more, and Satan is most of all; but God is all in all. The flesh must die, the world must pass away, Satan must be overthrown; but the word of our God abideth for ever; and as the word of God is the life of the saints, they shall also abide world without end. What a rest this affords us when we are looking out of the windows of the future!  The Lord will be our succour in the days to come!”*
            The windows of the future look bleak when viewed through the television screen.  The news reports are so full of anger and bias the truth is hard to decipher.  Deceit, defilement and destruction are on every side, but what a blessing it is to know that underneath are the everlasting arms—arms that will defend, shield, and abide forever.
            So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me” Hebrews 13:6.

*Spurgeon, C.H., Illustrations and Meditations or Flowers from a Puritan’s Garden, Passmore & Alabaster, London 1883, page 101

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