Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Week Two - World Shakers

Many people on social media, in the news, governments, and elsewhere are noticed as world shakers. And truly, some of them hold the potential to shake things up. On the other hand, we have less visible influence, but without us, without our underpinning, those folks would be nothing—they'd have no followers to impress!

Does that mean we have no voice, no responsibility, no influence? Hardly. What we do with our lives matters. There are qualities we need to emulate that will shake our world, qualities that create a better place to live and increase our effectiveness for Christ.

The first quality we need is courage. Stepping out by faith in the face of rejection takes courage. No one wants to be rejected or overlooked, and sometimes our paths are full of opposition, but the strong Christian takes heart. As they rejected Christ, so they will reject us. Let that not matter at all. Let our heart's desire be faithfulness, and courage will rise. 

We need unwavering trust in Christ. Paul said, "None of these things move me" (Acts 20:24). He wouldn't be deterred from trusting the Lord. He desires to be strong in faith, nothing wavering. "For the Lord Jehovah will help me; therefore have I not been confounded: therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be put to shame" (Isaiah 50:7).

We need a clean slate, no hidden sin. Our words and meditations must be pure; our actions and motivations sincere. Our lives must be upright to make a world-shaking difference for Christ.

The world shaker has complete confidence in the battle, knowing God is able and counts on God in advance. When you know you are where God wants you to be and doing what God has ordained for you to do, you can rest your confidence in Him. He promised to work on your behalf.

Another quality of a world shaker is contentment. You are content that you have the right message, the truth of God, and you rest there. Your life choices indicate contentment, and as you study and apply God's Word, you find even a deeper source of contentment.

Have you met anyone with these qualities? Do you marvel at them? Do they shake your perceptions? They should. 

You don't have to be on the public stage to be a world shaker. Your home and workplace are your platform. From there, you make a difference. And the more of us that set our hearts to this task, the greater the influence overall. 

Have courage, unwavering trust, purity, confidence, and contentment in the Lord, and He can use you to be a world-shaker in your realm.

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