Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Week Twenty-Four - Dad in the Shadows

Clint Clifton wrote, The man who draws the curtain for a theater performance "hides away in the dark so he doesn't distract your attention from the stage. If he has done his job properly, he presents the stage while standing out of the spotlight. Likewise, if your ministry is fruitful, Jesus will stand center stage while you are hidden in the shadows."

He's talking about the minister, but today, let's think about this in relation to the father. One of the major components of good fathering is the ability to bestow power on the children, enabling them to succeed. This is not so much done by the father succeeding as by his ability to equip and encourage his children to find their path. 

Think for a moment of all the great people you know from history. For how many of them can you name their fathers? 

For example, take George Washington. Do you think he learned truth and perseverance on his own? What about Benjamin Franklin? Who was his father? Have you ever heard of him? His name was Josiah Franklin, a British candle and soap maker with 17 children. But he did such a good job raising Benjamin that we have the privilege of his wisdom leading in establishing the USA and forming our constitution.
What about Billy Graham's father? He was a North Carolina dairy farmer who almost lost everything in the Great Depression but managed to slowly recover and leave his son a legacy of faith, hard work, and determination. God used Billy Graham's father's behind-the-scenes prayers and wisdom to raise a young man fit for the Master's use.

As we approach Father's Day, it is a good time for us to consider what our fathers have done to help us, teach us good work ethics and honesty, and pave the way for our success.

Dads in the shadows are to be honored and valued. Very few of us will become historical characters, but our histories are intrinsically linked to a good father's faithfulness, love, and parenting. Maybe you'd like to take him out of the shadows this Father's Day and put him on the stage! Tell him how much you appreciate him, recognize his personal sacrifice, and his continued love and encouragement. A good dad in the shadows is a treasure.

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