Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Week Sixteen - Forever Gracious

As we navigate life's storms, I want to share some beautiful truths about God's eternal ways. These truths, which have comforted me in my own journey, remind us that we are not alone. They are like a compass, guiding us toward His wisdom and graciousness.

Spurgeon writes with such eloquence that I may quote directly at times. He is commenting on Habakkuk 3:6, which reads, "His ways are everlasting." 

God is the same yesterday as He is today. He never changes. While we vary and shift, God is eternal, everlasting, and always true. His steadfastness brings us great comfort. When we face scary times, we can rest ourselves in these truths. They are anchors in the storms of life. 

When I faced cancer a few years ago, God placed 2 Timothy 4:17 on my heart, and it sustained me. "Notwithstanding, the Lord stood with me and strengthened me." Keeping my eyes on His perfection, eternal love, and graciousness enabled me to walk that path in greater comfort and deep assurance. If you are in a storm today or looking for hope, take time to consider today's thoughts.

We can rest ourselves in the gracious consistency of God:

1. Because the Lord's ways are the result of wise deliberation. I love Ephesians 1:11. It has become a stalworth for me. He, God, "worketh all things after the counsel of his own will." Nothing takes Him by surprise or happens that He has not foreseen. He factors our every moment into His ways. Just meditate on that and see if that doesn't amaze you. All things, everything, nothing is outside His awareness, but it is used within His will to accomplish His plan.

2. His ways are the outgrowth of an immutable character. God's attributes are fixed and settled. He is the Eternal One, gracious, faithful, and wise. He acts according to His nature. He knows no shadow of turning. So when you read His Word, you can believe His promises are true. He will not change. He does not lie. He is faithful and consistent to the nth degree. He always loves you. He is always faithful to you. He is always watching over you. These things do not change because God does not change.

3. His ways are the embodiment of irresistible might. Spurgeon writes, "The earth is said, by the prophet, to be cleft with rivers, mountains tremble, the deep lifts up its hands, and sun and moon stand still, when Jehovah marches forth for the salvation of His people. Who can stop His hand, or say to Him, 'What are You doing?' " God has irresistible might. Beyond our comprehension. What does that mean for you? It means God is your defender. No weapon fashioned against us can stand. (Isaiah 54:17) And I love Proverbs 21:30 & 31, "There is no wisdom nor understanding or counsel against the Lord. The horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety is of the Lord." Our forever gracious Lord is strong in might and wisdom. He is our unconquerable deliverer; nothing can withstand Him. Proverbs 18:10 reads, "The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe." Oh, how safe we are in the mighty hand of God! 

4. His ways are the manifestation of the eternal principles of right. His Word will stand. His Word is truth, eternal truth. While "evil breeds decay and involves ruin, the true and the good have about them a vitality which ages cannot diminish." We are eternally secure because we have placed our faith in the eternal principles of God. He will never act outside these principles. We might not understand what He is doing, but that does not change the truth that God is always right and works by wise, unchanging, powerful, and eternal principles. His plan is for final justice. He will make all things right in the end.

These truths are of great comfort in a world spinning to its end. They bolster the souls of the saints in times of storm and uncertainty. Those who know Christ as Saviour can rest solidly in God's forever gracious ways.

So today, if you are facing a storm or deep in the midst of one, grab hold of the anchor of these truths and let Him be your eternal shield. He is forever gracious.

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