Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Week Fifteen - Lifestyles

There are so many different ways to do life. Some people live at a fast pace, some much slower. Some live for competition, and others can't be bothered. Some see life as a new adventure, while others see it as complete drudgery. So I got to thinking about this and thought of three ways not to live, according to the Bible. And one way we should all live. So, let's look at these lifestyles.

First, we should not live like Martha. Do you know her story? She fretted over the meal preparation and resented doing the work alone while Mary sat at Jesus' feet. Oh, how many times I have caught myself with a Martha attitude - resentful and with a complaining spirit. My lifestyle revealed my lack of  priority in spending time with my Lord. I chose to do my duties first. But He is to have first place. Everything else will get done in its time if I take time to sit at the feet of Jesus first. This lesson seems too often repeated - Don't live like a Martha. Marthas have patterns of virtue, but they serve without a loving heart.

Then, don't live like a heathen. My grandfather used to call my sister and me heathens when we acted wildly or out of control. Especially when our language or attitude was unacceptable. I still hear him saying, "Don't act like a heathen." I didn't know much about what he meant, but I knew he wasn't pleased with our behavior, and I knew in my heart I was being disobedient and rebellious. So, don't live like a heathen - out of control, rebellious, unacceptable.

Another unfavorable lifestyle is that of a Pharisee. This paints the picture of self-righteousness, pride, judging, and insincerity. The Pharisee's lifestyle looked good on the outside, but the Bible says it is inwardly full of dead men's bones. It was only a shell, a pretense, and a show. That’s not a very pretty picture. For the Pharisee, what matters most is what they look like on the outside. They pay no attention to their inner man as long as they can tick the boxes of acceptable or commendable outward behavior. The Pharisee ends up empty on the one hand and full of pride on the other. So, don't live like a Pharisee - hypocritical and meaningless.

So how should we then live? Is it possible to live a specific lifestyle if we all live differently? Here's what I have found. God created each of us differently. Just look around you! But He gave us one governing factor - Christ. So though the demands and outlooks vary, we are all to live as unto Christ.

Colossians 3:23, 24 is one of my favorite Scriptures. It reads, "And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ."

Whatsoever you do - if your life moves quick or slow, if you feel the pressure of competition or not, if you are an optimist or more pessimist - whatsoever you do, do it heartily. With gusto! Knowing the Lord is watching. Forget trying to please men; they will never be satisfied. But since you are created by God, saved by the sacrifice of His Son, and sealed by the Holy Spirit, live for eternity, avoiding the temporal.

Because - your reward doesn't come on this earth. It is received in heaven. So if your lifestyle has this heavenly outlook, you can transcend the demands and temptations of this earth. You can curb the opposing sides of your lifestyle and bring all things into obedience to Christ, for ye serve the Lord Christ.

If Martha had this in mind, it would have sweetened her attitude and service. If the heathen knew this, their lifestyle would be aligned with Scripture. So, likewise, if the Pharisee took his eyes off himself and began yielding to the Lordship of Christ, his life would find greater joy.

So, my friend, have a look at your lifestyle. Is it lived as unto Christ? Do you have a heavenly perspective? Or do you need to make some lifestyle adjustments?

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