Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Week Twenty-Two - Sanctuary

With her eyes cast down, all she saw was ruin and despair. War, politics, and the enemy's ploys rolled through her mind escalating the fear and heaviness that gripped her heart. Then, while strolling through the park, she looked up to see a magnificent tree in full splendor. As the light of the afternoon sun shone through the leaves, the strong, wide branches formed a heavenly sanctuary where God met her questioning heart with the beauty and strength of His word.

Psalm 96:6 reads, "Honour and majesty are before him: strength and beauty are in his sanctuary."

Where can we go when the ugliness of this world blinds us? Where are strength and beauty found? Do you need His strength and beauty today? I know I do.

Let's lift our eyes to the truth. God doesn't hide from us. He tells us exactly where to find our soul's deepest need. It is in His sanctuary. A sanctuary is a place of refuge or safety. It can be defined as a holy place, temple, or church, but it is also any place where one finds haven, shelter, and safety. I see sanctuary as a place of restoration where the mind and soul rest and realign with God. It might be in your quiet place, or in nature, or at the church altar, but wherever it is, God wants to meet you there.

That day, as I looked up to see the Creator in the strength and beauty of that tree, God reminded me that He is my sanctuary. The beauty I am missing, and the strength I need are found in Him. He is where I go to realign my soul and restore my hope. One of my favorite verses is Proverbs 18:10. It reads, "The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous runneth into it, and is safe." I've had to run there many times and have always found the sanctuary and restoration I needed.

Dear friend, this old world is winding down to its end, but sanctuary is still found in the Lord. There we see His beauty and receive strength as we hide in Christ. And then, we get back out there and shine for Him. Because there is still hope in Jesus, and He gives reason and purpose to our lives.

As I was reading Job today, I found another treasure in the sanctuary of His word. Job said, "Who knoweth not in all these that the hand of the Lord hath wrought this?" (Job 12:9). We can rest assured that God is in control of all things, working "all things after the counsel of his own will," as we read in Ephesians 1:11, and then we can join Job in placing our trust solely upon God's sovereignty.

Beauty and strength are restored when we see the light of Scripture shining above the darkness of this old world. Are you feeling hopeless, fearful, and confused? Look up and let Him restore your soul. There is safety, beauty, and strength in the sanctuary of the Lord.

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