Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Week Fifty-Two - Eyes Up!

It’s Christmas morning!  Our home used to be knee-deep in large swathes of wrapping paper with kids happily playing as we watched in love and thankfulness.  Today, we look at our little tree while warming our hands around steaming cups of coffee and revel in the quiet and togetherness as we rest contentedly in God’s loving arms.
    This morning, my thoughts focus on looking up.  The shepherds looked up, the wise men looked up, and we should be looking up for His return.  But then, my pondering took another direction.
    At Christmas, family relationships sometimes bring all sorts of looks.  Some are looks of love, others of envy.  Some look down in superiority, while others look for an escape route.  So, when I look down on others, I fail to see God looking down on me. 
    How often am I guilty of looking down on others?  Oh, I might not say anything, but in my mind’s eye, I see them beneath me. Maybe I consider myself wiser than them, more prosperous, or more important.  Perhaps I see their hardships and take strange comfort because I’m not dealing with that sort of problem.  Or, maybe I see myself as living on some kind of moral high ground that feeds my false sense of superiority.
    Truly, none of these are valid.  They are sourced in pride, which causes me to look down on others and forget God is looking down on me.  He sees my pride.  It stinks!  He knows I am sinfully mortal, but for some reason, I have forgotten it. 
    Knowing God looks down on me, I best adjust my attitude.  I am flesh.  I am dust.  But I am also His child, and I am looking in the wrong direction.  If I fail to look up and seek His forgiveness, I will continue in my pride.  How much better for me to correct my vision!
   However, when I lift others up in prayer and by my words and actions, I am looking up at God. In humble, loving supplication, my eyes meet His, and together, by the companionship of His Spirit, prayer enters into Heaven.  My pride is changed into a humble, sweet-smelling savour bringing blessing to everyone.
    This Christmas morning, I pray you are surrounded by looks of love, thankfulness, and peace.  But most of all, I pray you keep your eyes looking up.  God is watching!

We leave Friday for two weeks in Spain with our son and his family.  I will not be blogging.  Instead, I’ll be playing grandma with my two girls.  Meet you back here after the holidays on the 15th of January! 

Meanwhile, can I ask you to do something for me?  Would you recommend my blog to others?  If you would, please either send this link to ten friends asking them to check it out and subscribe. https://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify?uri=BesideTheWell&loc=en_US

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My goal next year is to increase my readers, and your help will play a great part!  
Thank you!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Keep looking up!


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