Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Week Forty-Nine - Running Away

Beside The Well

            The past couple of weeks have been full of excitement.  I was able to spend ten days with family in America for Thanksgiving, and my new children’s book, Messy Hair Game, was officially launched.
            It’s a story about two little girls who decide messing up their hair would be a fun game to play while waiting for Grandma to be ready to go to town.  I will be reading the story to Birches First School on Thursday and signing some books for the children.  In preparation for that, I created a couple of teaching papers, including one with questions for discussion.
            In the story, Reba gets frightened when she realizes she has upset Grandma by her disobedience.  Instead of admitting her guilt, she chooses to run from Grandma.  You’ll have to check it out to find out the end of the story.
            As I was reading my devotions, Spurgeon was discussing Job.  He made note that Job did not ask for the return of his lost children or possessions.  He asked to see God.  Job 23:3. 
            And then Spurgeon wrote: “God’s children run home when the storm comes on.  A hypocrite, when afflicted by God, resents the infliction and, like a slave, wants to run from the Master who has scourged him.”
            My mind immediately thought of Reba running from the chastisement she deserved from Grandma.  She ran away instead of into the forgiving arms of her grandmother.
            How many times do we do the same with God?  We know we have done wrong, but instead of confessing and asking forgiveness, we run.  We try to hide.  We must think God can’t see us—how silly!  We cannot run away from His presence.  There is nothing hid from the eyes of God.  And, there is no sin He will not forgive.  We can trust His forgiving arms.
            My mind then remembered another of my favorite verses.  Proverbs 18:10  “The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.”
            Oh, Lord, help me to remember that safety and forgiveness are found only in You.  When I face the storms of life or I am confronted with my own sin, may I run straight into Your forgiving arms!

Check out Messy Hair Game by Gail Gritts on Amazon.  There is also a colouring book to order, and a free audio at

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