Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Week Twenty-Three - When I'm 64

Beside the Well
This week my husband celebrated his 64th birthday.  It was great fun singing that old Beatles tune to him and watching him enjoy time with his children and grandchildren.  Happy Birthday was sung many times and gifts were exchanged.  Hugs and kisses abounded along with the laughter of children and the teasing of adults.  These are rare times for missionaries and their value cannot be over-estimated. 
This morning my Bible reading took me to Proverbs 20.  Verse seven reads, “The just man walketh in his integrity: his children are blessed after him.”  I could not but stop and think of yesterday’s birthday celebrations and see how God had fulfilled this promise.
A good father is a blessing from the Lord.  A man that walks in integrity is one who knows how to walk in honesty, love and truth, understands his position in Christ, and strives to pass his faith on to his children.  A just man is one who is discerning and thoughtful in decisions and creates an atmosphere of safety and growth in the home.  He teaches his children how to navigate life planting strength, wisdom and courage in their lives.
The verse promises a blessing upon the children.  This takes time.  A father must sometimes maintain his integrity and justness for many years before he sees the fruit of his labor, but a just man will walk with integrity for as long as it takes. 
My husband’s father is a golden example of patience and love as he worked to provide the strength and example necessary for one of his wayward sons.  Though he passed away before seeing the son return to the path of truth, the son did return and today is a blessing to his family. 
The father is the family’s anchor.  He is their ground upon which to stand.  He is their focal point.
As I watched my children and grandchildren expressing their love for the man who is their anchor, I was blessed to see such happiness, openness, and acceptance among them all.  Truly, the blessing of God in their lives has come because of the faithfulness of their father.  His decisions, his tender care, and his wisdom have created the basis of success for their lives. 

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