The madness of the world around us is enough to keep our heads spinning and our hearts full of anxiety, except for one overriding truth - God is still in control.
That might sound simplistic, but it is not. It is the foundation of our faith and the truth to which all will answer. We may find it hard to reconcile ourselves with God knowing about all this madness and seemingly doing little about it, but then, we have only to look back at history and realise this earth has always been mad, but that does not deter God from His appointed purpose or promise and the foretold end of all things.
To be angry with God or question Him is futile. Spurgeon writes, "All forces are at God's disposal from the heavenly lightning and thunder, hurricanes and tornadoes, down to pestilence of worms, flies, and caterpillars, all are at His command. To war against Him is madness, and to serve Him is glory."
The eyes of faith overlook the world's madness to the eternal promises of God. He will never destroy the earth by flood. He will never leave or forsake us. His thoughts toward us are for good, and He will remain faithful to His Word until the end. Doesn't that sound like a less stressful place compared to the madness around us?
The world is spinning to its end; there is no doubt about that. Every day brings us closer to the return of Christ, and our part is not to flay about in fear and anxiety but to be prepared and watching. Pin your hope and trust in God, and everything else falls into better perspective.
Be about your Father's business while it is yet day, that is His instruction to us. God knows all that's happening, and He is still in control!