A few years ago, while on a little trip to the island of Jersey, I read Gift From the Sea by Anne Marrow Lindbergh, the wife of Charles Lindbergh. I thought it would be a book on reflections by the sea, but it was more about women's liberation. But even with that, I found some things that caused me to think and examine myself, and I wanted to share a bit with you.
A post I had saved earlier, the one you see on this blog, prompted my thoughts. It reads, "You know who you are. You know your true colors. Don't let anyone paint you differently." By M.W. Facets
This post struck me because, at that time, I faced accusations about my character that left me questioning myself. Was I stubborn? Was my directed lifestyle coming over as unswerving or unkind? I had to do some soul-searching and come before the Lord. He did not condemn me. He knows my heart and sent me that little quote to encourage me.
I am not perfect, but I am not stubborn or unkind. My true colors? I never really thought of that and wasn't even sure what that meant.
As a young girl, my favorite color was pink, and I still secretly love it—secretly because my young friends laughed when I told them. So what did I do? Did I remain true to my color? Nope. I switched to blue because no one laughed at blue. I like blue. It was my grandmother's favorite color, but inside, I'm still in love with pink, yet maybe I've grown into blue?
Anyway, I let them paint me differently. And where am I today? Still saying blue is my favorite color. And I'm okay with that, but when someone tries to make me out to be something I'm not - stubborn, hard to approach, etc. or even on the flip-side - talented, wise, beautiful. I cringe and reject those words because they do not describe the me I know and live with.
You know who you are. Don't you? Do I? I'm smarter than some and sillier than others. Decent to look at when my hair cooperates but desperately old when the wind blows. Happy and fun sometimes to a fault, but Germanly-serious at times. I'm stable but random. Curious but lazy. Patient but anxious to finish. A complete conundrum of osculating interpretations. Leaving or restricting the definition of who I am to an evaluation of self alone is inadequate and a misinterpretation, for though I am all these jumble of things, I have one true star, one laminin that holds me together - Christ.
Because in Him, all my contradictions find purpose. They are all level at the cross. I no longer need to explore my color because it has been given over to a new one—a new life—a crucified life that defines and colors me perfectly. This one whitewash is enough, and seen through its lens, I am perfect, complete, and whole.
Friend, I hope your true color is Christ, for His is the color of royalty. We are children of the King, and one day, we will stand before Him dressed in white linen - pure and holy. That is our true color.